... Were to start?! Well, I won't be writtting you about everything that happened during this time ( You'll get either crazy or extremelly bored LOL) so, I'll cut some parts and say that I've been busy pretty much with university, family and moving :p (you know how these 3 things combined with some bad luck can get your life into a real mess LOOL).
So these are just a couple of words to say what's being happening, that I am back, to thank you all so much for the lovely comments and for keeping looking at the blog despite my absence!

9 comentários:
wWlcome back Joana!
I got the time to make a blog and to fill it during your absence :) oh and to open a deviantart as well and to sell way too much lol!
glad you're back ;)
Daisy, You're always a sweetheart!! Obrigada!
Yeahhh Stephie, you're always on the move girl!!:D
You're The MiniFood-Machine! hehe Missed you!
we missed you!!! welcome back :)
olha que boa noticia!!!! voltaste!!!!! Espero que agora estejas com mais tempo para "tudo".
Ainda bem que voltaste!
Fazias falta por aqui. Fico muito contente por teres voltado :)
Espero voltar a ver os teus belos trabalhos em breve.
Oh Sumaiya, you're so sweet, Thank you, I'm really glad to be back too!! :D
Sofia e Anas, obrigada! :* Espero não voltar a ter de ficar assim tanto tempo afastada... uff estes meses foram terríveis, mas agora compenso ;)
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