sábado, 18 de julho de 2009

Raspberry Passion

I was inspired by Betsy Niederer's PERFECT strawberry cakes to do this one. But since I suck with strawberries I tried making it with raspberries ( not that I'm much better with them LOOL). I'm going to bomb you all with images of this cake, but I found it hard to pick just one... Thank you so much Betsy for inspiring me everyday.


8 comentários:

Stephanie Kilgast disse...

I like your raspberries, but I must admit I prefer the strawberries (wanna kill me looool!)

And I love the cake of Betsy as well :D

hannajaleijona disse...

Oh your raspberries are just beautiful and so is the rest of this cake!

kimsminiatures disse...

It really is lovely. All your things are. Mini hugs!

Carolyn disse...

What a lovely cake - gorgeous colour on the sponge. Raspberries are my favourites!!

Joana disse...

Thank you all so much!!
You're the sweetest things!!


Ana Anselmo disse...

Bom dia Joana!
que bom voltar a ver-te e ainda por cima ver que ainda não perdeste a mão para a doçaria LOL
A textura do bolo está espectacular, parece mesmo molhadinho e esponjoso!

PS: já se acabaram os exames?

Linda Carswell disse...

Joana, I love your cake...i prefer raspberries my self...you have done a wonderful job!!


Linda Carswell disse...

...me again, would you mind very much if I ask where you got the lovely chair??


thanks, Linda